The power of pain and love

I have an unfortunate love of watching TV series…straight through on Netflix.  I don’t do this often, but every now and then I have a stretch of time that isn’t highly scheduled and I find myself spending more time than I’d like to admit clicking “watch next episode,” saying ‘just one more, and then I’ll get up and be productive.’  Just one more turns into…well…more than one more.

One thing I notice when watching shows back to back like that, is that the themes and messages underneath the story-line are a lot easier to pick up.  Right now I’m in the middle of catching up on the show “Once Upon a Time,” and I’m struck by how the show is trying to figure out why love is so powerful, whether good will really ultimately conquer evil without compromising its goodness, what makes a true hero or villain, and whether or not people can really change.  Throughout the multiple story-lines in this show, the questions of love, power, redemption and sacrifice are really striking.  

I have no idea if the creators of the show are intentionally articulating anything beyond a good story, but here are a couple statements I see this show trying to make:

  • There is something really powerful about self-sacrifice for the sake of someone else’s life or safety
  • Family sticks together…through thick or thin, conflict and victory…there is something powerful about family sticking together
  • Pain and grief that doesn’t get expressed turns into powerful darkness that can lead to destruction
  • Vengeance and revenge are often life-long, all-encompassing, deeply problematic possessions that rarely lead to freedom and peace
  • True love is a powerful force against darkness and evil
  • people who isolate themselves from community have a harder time standing against oppression and darkness than those who allow themselves to be supported and encouraged by others
  • Power is a dangerous thing

I can make all kinds of connections between these messages and messages that show up in major Christian narratives.  There are all kinds of talking points there.  What is standing out to me at this moment, though, is that grief and sadness that does not get expressed well turns into anger and resentment, which fuels hatred and vengeance.  Similarly, when someone opens themselves up to genuine love and community, they are radically changed.

SO INTERESTING!!  But now…back to the next episode…

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