Sunrise reflections

“When the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were building a temple to the Lord God of Israel, they approached Zerubbabel and the hands of families and said to them, “Let us build with you, for we worship your God as yo do, and we have been… Continue reading

Birds of the Nations

Pastor’s going on vacation…this means I get to preach for two weeks in a row.  And of course I get the last installment of the random “the Kingdom of Heaven is like…” parables told in Matthew.  Both an over-used and a misunderstood concept, I think.  Meanwhile, we haven’t talked much… Continue reading

Journey to Detroit 2015: What’s Your Story?

“What’s your story?” I was sitting at a pizza restaurant with a group of church leaders who until the day before had been complete strangers to me. But now, after 2 days of conversation and training, we were chatting in a much more familiar tone as we sipped beverages and… Continue reading

You’re going where? part 1: where it all began

What follows is a series of entries about how I got to the point where I am getting ready for a 15 day trip to East Africa.  I figured breaking it into installments would be better than expecting someone to read a novel.  But be warned…it may still be a… Continue reading

Big questions from young minds

I’ve been getting surprisingly challenging questions from kids recently.  Last week in preschool chapel a group of kids came in obviously eager to engage me in a conversation they had been having on their own.  The first kid comes up to me and says, “Sister Michelle, I have a difficult… Continue reading

What does a church do?

Sunday was the 25th Anniversary of the ELCA.  To honor the mission of the church over the last 25 years, congregations were encouraged to do some kind of service project that demonstrated the themes “God’s Work, Our Hands,” (ELCA’s motto) or “All Things Being Made New” (the 25th Anniversary slogan)…. Continue reading