Reflecting on the Wilderness

Reflection on Exodus 33:12-23 (October 22, 2017) I was invited to share a reflection with a Spanish-speaking congregation.  This was my reflection, which was translated and shared with those who attended. When Moses was praying to the Lord on behalf of his people, there was a separation between people and… Continue reading

Put down the book and get into the story

I was setting up my nativity characters for chapel this week, and was reminded about a preschool chapel last year that became the central illustration in a sermon I preached on Dec. 20, 2015.  The sermon was in the context of a ‘Traveler’s Christmas,’ a Christmas Eve service for those… Continue reading

The 2nd sermon: “Remember who you are”

In pondering the sermon for this Sunday, I discovered that I actually had two sermons.  This is the one that won’t get preached. Text: Matthew 5:13-16 In the movie Lion King, Simba is born into greatness.  A descendant of the king, he is told from a young age that he… Continue reading

Reflections on a Christmas Eve sermon

I have found that often when I am preparing a sermon, I end up convicted by the very thoughts I am forming into a sermon.  I was not expecting to preach on Christmas Eve, but at the last minute I was given the notes of a sermon the pastor was… Continue reading