Do You See…

Then turning toward the woman, [Jesus] said to Simon, “Do you see this woman?” (Luke 7:44a)

Jesus sees the woman.  He sees her desperation.  He sees her tears.  He sees her effort and heart.  He sees her.  When he speaks TO Simon, he TURNS to the woman.  He sees her debt.  He sees her pain.

Jesus sees this woman.

And he forgives her.  There’s no indication that she asked for it.  She heard where he was going to be and sought him out.  Why?  We don’t know.  But Jesus sees her.  He declares her forgiven.

Does she know she’s forgiven?  It seems maybe so.  “Hence, she has shown me great love.”  Maybe she’d had a previous experience of forgiveness, and this was her response.  I’ve always thought this was the experience.  But maybe not.

Jesus sees her, and invites Simon to see her as well.

Do you see this woman?

I occasionally spend Saturday afternoons with a group of refugee women learning to sew.  Recently I was with them as they learned to sew a pillow case.  I watched and listened as they laughed and chatted with each other in languages I don’t understand.  Do you see this woman?  I held a 7-month old baby girl and swayed her to sleep.  Do you see this woman?  Recently I went to a worship service where people sit around tables.  A woman came in late and sat across the table from me.  She laid her head down on the table during the sermon and left right at the end of the service–not talking to anyone on her way in or out.  Do you see this woman?

Dear Sister, Jesus SEES you.  He sees your desperation and hopelessness.  He sees your fatigue and your anxiety.  He sees your passion and your heart.  He sees your debt and your desire to be free.  He sees you when you cry out with everything you have, and he sees you when you don’t have the words or the energy.   He sees you.

And he invites us to see those around us in the same way.

Your faith has saved you.  Go in peace. (Luke 7:50)

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