Good Friday Station 15: The Hope of Resurrection

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross

The hope of resurrection. The expectation that life can happen again. The anticipation that what can be seen now is not what will be seen in the future. The hope of resurrection: the sign of God’s abundant grace and love.

This is the good news of the Gospel. This was what Jesus’ life was about: life can happen again! And this is the message we as Jesus-followers are invited to share with the world: God’s abundant grace and love is not limited by death.

As I sit in the complicated emotions of Good Friday, I fold over those complicated emotions the hope of resurrection. I fold that hope over the grief of heart-break. I fold that hope over the weight of pain and burdens. I fold that hope over the yearning for reconciliation and restoration of relationship. I fold that hope over the necessary mourning and naming of loss. I fold that hope over the hard journey of accompaniment with the suffering of those around me.

The hope of resurrection invites me to sit in the darkness of the morning, anticipating that the sun will rise.

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