On Visions and Courage

And again, one in human form touched me and strengthened me. He said, “Do not fear, greatly beloved, you are safe. Be strong and courageous.” When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Let my Lord speak, for you have strengthened me. (Daniel 10:18-19)

These chapters in Daniel are confusing with all the visions. I don’t know enough to really have a sense of how the church understands these visions. But I did notice that Daniel’s relationship with God changes as he grows in his understanding of these visions. In chapter 7 he has a vision and it terrifies him. He has to ask a steward or someone to tell him what it means. Then he has another vision and is still terrified by the experience, but then Gabriel shows up to help him make sense of it. Then in chapter 10 he seems to be hearing directly from God (?) who regularly reminds him he is beloved. At the end of chapter 10 there’s this interchange where God is as accessible as another human, touches him, reminds him of his beloved-ness, and strengthens him. The progression of relationship with the Vision-Giver moves Daniel from fear to strength and courage.

The progression of relationship with the Vision-Giver moves Daniel from fear to strength and courage.

Also interesting is that Daniel spends time praying and confessing on behalf of his people. Again, I wonder how we do that today. I hear the church use “we need to confess” kind of language, but it is usually to each other…and I’m not sure we ever actually DO the confessing. I don’t as often get the sense that we’re being told to cry out to God on behalf of our people the way I see the prophets do.

I’m not sure what to make of these visions. I don’t know what they mean for us. But I appreciate that God seems to draw close to the one charged with the vision. God reminds Daniel he is beloved. God offers strength, and gives him what he needs to make sense of things at his own pace.

In these days where so much in society seems to be in upheaval, I wonder what visions are being given. I wonder where God is drawing close to those tasked with sharing those visions, and offering strength and courage. I wonder if there is something deeper and more profound at work that will make more sense in the re-telling of God’s action and relationship to and through God’s people.

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