Object Permanence

This devotion was initially created for publication in Eternity for Today, a devotional resource from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, for the week of March 12, 2022

Isaiah 55:1-9

Seek the Lord while [the Lord] may be found, call upon [God] while [God] is near; (Is. 55:6)

In early childhood education I learned about the concept of “object permanence”—the ability for a child to know that an object exists even though it can no longer be seen or heard.  It is this concept that makes the game “peek a boo” such a delight for young children, as they learn that the face behind their parent’s hands doesn’t actually disappear.  It is also this concept that makes separation so challenging, as the child learns to trust that the one leaving will return.  

God is not bound by the definitions of an ‘object,’ but in the limitations of our understanding of God’s presence in the world, this concept of ‘object permanence’ reminds us that God’s existence extends beyond our ability to see or hear God.  Sometimes when we can’t see, feel or hear God, we may genuinely wonder if God has disappeared–like a child not yet aware that their caregiver who has walked out of the room still exists.  As we deepen our awareness that God’s presence with us extends beyond our senses, we come to a broader understanding and experience of God who continues to respond to us.

Faithful God, teach me to cry out to you, trusting that you hear my cry and will respond.  Amen.

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