Year in Review

The practice of writing an end-of-year letter likely stems from all those years of watching my parents send and receive newsletters and prayer letters from various friends and supporters. I still receive a variety of updates from friends and relatives–most who are working overseas or are in ministry in some way. But at Christmas I also receive updates, Christmas pictures, and the like from a broad range of connections. These updates always remind me that my network is broader than my current list of relationships and experiences. They remind me that my life story has intersected with a variety of other life stories…and there’s richness and value in that. Additionally, taking a step back and attempting to summarize the year in one page or less challenges me to give an honest-yet-positive re-cap of the year. This year I noticed my re-cap is a bit vague…it doesn’t actually say much about what I’m doing or how I’m doing. Maybe that’s intentional. It’s been that kind of year…

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