Good Friday Station 7: Jesus Falls a Second Time

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross In this station we are invited again to consider who we know who is struggling, and how we can support or encourage them. While not directly in the Gospel accounts of Jesus, the narrator shares a passage from… Continue reading

Good Friday Station 5: Simon of Cyrene Carries the Cross

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross I grew up with this song as the re-enactment of this part of the story. Simon is an innocent bystander, in the city of Jerusalem to sacrifice his lamb for Passover, and gets called into this grand narrative… Continue reading

Good Friday Station 3: Jesus Falls for the First Time

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross experience. This is the first station that doesn’t connect specifically with a situation in scripture, but has been part of church tradition for a long time. And isn’t that true–that there are things that this story of Jesus does and… Continue reading

Good Friday Station 1: Jesus is condemned

The first of a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross experience. “Then Pilate said to him, “Do you not hear how many accusations they make against you?” But (Jesus) gave them no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly… Continue reading

What’s the Point?

Ephesians 1:17-19 (as part of the Epistle Reading for 11/3/2019) 17 I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, 18 so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know… Continue reading

Christ the King Sunday–a different kind of power

As I reflect on Christ the King Sunday (this past Sunday), I find myself pondering the words to the hymn we sang in church: “Though some would make their greatness felt and lord it over all, you said the first must be the last and service be our call. O… Continue reading

Big Church WHAT?!?

I recently attended a Christian music concert that left me with some thoughts: There is something super-powerful about a corporate gathering of people singing about a shared set of beliefs and values.  I’m not a huge fan of large concerts…my preference would almost always be acoustic music in a much… Continue reading