Has it really already been that long?

I’m sitting at the Conference on Ministry, the annual gathering of rostered leaders in this synod.  Each fall we spend 2 days with other pastors and leaders, getting reconnected with colleagues and reflecting on this crazy work we are all doing. This is the 6th COM from what I can… Continue reading

The Deaconess Motto

Once a year I gather with my Sisters in the Deaconess Community of the ELCA for fellowship and for important conversations about the Community and our ministry in the church.  These are some of my favorite days in the year.  Gathering with women who are doing similar ministry as me,… Continue reading

Worthiness and Poverty

I recently began reading the book “When Helping Hurts,” by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.  I’ve heard about this book in the context of reflecting on attitudes and methods used in “Christian Outreach” that are…less than helpful.  I’m reading it to increase my capacity to engage a conversation about the… Continue reading

Deep Breathing and such

I would claim that I’m not one for the more ‘spiritual’ spiritual practices–like yoga, contemplative prayer, holy stretching, etc.  I can remember snickering and scoffing at such practices in college and as a younger adult. Inevitably, when I found myself in a context where we were invited to sit straight… Continue reading

Reflections on a Christmas Eve sermon

I have found that often when I am preparing a sermon, I end up convicted by the very thoughts I am forming into a sermon.  I was not expecting to preach on Christmas Eve, but at the last minute I was given the notes of a sermon the pastor was… Continue reading

Two extremes of self-interest

“This passion empties one of self.  One does not “self-empty” by focusing upon oneself.  One is emptied of self to the degree one is overcome by the needs, pain, hopes and desires of others.  When concern for others takes one utterly beyond self-interest, beyond obsession with achievements and self-obsessing guilt… Continue reading

As the sun rises…

I’ve discovered a new park from which to watch the sun rise.  I stop at the Starbucks across the street and get a refill of the Veranda Blend coffee, and then head over to the parking lot of the park.  I like this park because there are actually picnic tables… Continue reading

Thursday in Jamaica: the hugging lady and high school soccer matches

Today’s word was “salvation.”  In the sense, I think, of who is it that needs salvation?  We talked a lot about the role of Sunday morning worship in either serving the believers, or equipping them to go out to the rest of the week.  I just found that the way… Continue reading

Wednesday in Jamaica: Maroons and Blue Mountain coffee

Today’s word was ‘sacrifice,’ and our conversation over breakfast circulated again around Phil. 2.  My reflection is that acts of sacrifice are important…adopting kids, selling everything to move overseas, living on one income to spend more time volunteering, etc.  yes…perhaps we should do that more often as Christians.  But what… Continue reading