Is it time for furlough?

Being a missionary kid comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.  Advantages include an ability to walk between worlds and validate people’s perspectives and diversity.  Advantages include a broader view of the world and a certain amount of self-sufficiency that contributes to success and independence.  Advantages include an… Continue reading

Reflections on a trip to South Sudan

It’s about time to try to summarize my trip to South Sudan using a few key pictures of some favorite moments.  For a sermon I preached recently with more details about the processing of that trip, go here for the audio version or here for the manuscript.

You’re Going Where? Part 2: to be or not to be…

During my senior year of high school I took a class called “Current World Issues.” We watched a lot of CNN. And the teacher tried to convince us to care about these news stories we researched and reported on each week. Unfortunately, in our teenage arrogance, we thought we knew… Continue reading

You’re going where? part 1: where it all began

What follows is a series of entries about how I got to the point where I am getting ready for a 15 day trip to East Africa.  I figured breaking it into installments would be better than expecting someone to read a novel.  But be warned…it may still be a… Continue reading