There’s Always Room for One More

This devotion was initially created for publication in Eternity for Today, a devotional resource from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, for the week of March 12, 2022

Luke 13:22-31

Then people will come from east and west, from north and south, and will eat in the kingdom of God. (Luke 13:29)

Growing up, people would regularly stop by to talk with my dad about this or that.  My brothers would come home for dinner with friends who were ready to eat. Friends and guests were always invited to stay for food. “There’s always room for one more,” my mom would say, as she set another plate on the table and pushed the chairs closer together to make space for a stool.

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, people want to find the limit to God’s welcome.  People approach Jesus with questions about who will get an invitation to the feast, who is the neighbour who deserves care (and who doesn’t), which community is excluded from forgiveness and grace, whose illness does not deserve to be healed?  Each time people bring these kinds of questions to Jesus, Jesus responds with a vision of welcome and embrace that is expansive and inclusive.  In Jesus’ vision of God’s dwelling place, there seems to always be room for more.  

Each time my family welcomed guests or friends to join our meals, our vision was expanded.  Guests brought new stories, new traditions, new unique qualities to our community.  When we made space at the table, there was always enough food, laughter, and fellowship to go around.

Welcoming God, help us to open our hearts, homes and hands to all of Your creation, as we get caught up in an expansive and inclusive vision of Your beloved community.  Amen.

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