
a reflection on moving during a pandemicWaitingFor the new thing to start.For friendshipsThat smell like fresh coffee and pastries,For living into a new jobThat feels like steppingFrom a rocking boat onto solid ground—Legs shaking from the memory of rocky waves,But heart calm knowing the ground is once again solid. WaitingFor… Continue reading

Ash Wednesday Remembered

I have recently been reviewing old blog posts, and I came across a reflection I wrote following Ash Wednesday when I worked as a preschool teacher at a Lutheran preschool. I did my internship at that preschool, where my focus was intentionally creating and reflecting on the connections between faith… Continue reading

Good Friday Station 15: The Hope of Resurrection

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross The hope of resurrection. The expectation that life can happen again. The anticipation that what can be seen now is not what will be seen in the future. The hope of resurrection: the sign of God’s abundant grace… Continue reading

Good Friday Station 14: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross This station invites us to sit in that uncomfortable space of waiting for the resurrection. Because we know what happens, we often jump from the crucifixion to the resurrection. But there’s a tomb first. There’s a naming that… Continue reading

Good Friday Station 13: Jesus is Laid in the Arms of his Mother

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross I recently watched a TV cop show where a child was struck by a stray bullet, and the child’s mother was devastated as she cradled her child’s body in her arms. The narrator for this station invites us… Continue reading

Good Friday Station 12: Jesus Dies Upon the Cross

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross Jesus cries out on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me,” and breathes his last. In this act of surrender and desperation, the curtain is torn. In the very act of Jesus crying out… Continue reading

Good Friday Station 11: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

a series of reflections based on this online stations of the cross It’s getting harder, this journey to the cross. The images of what is happening to Jesus are getting more painful. I’m being asked to follow Jesus into this part of the journey that can only have been unimaginably… Continue reading