The Uncomfortable Third Verse

I went Christmas carolling recently. Instead of only singing verses 1 and 2 of carols, the leader passed out song books and we sang all the verses of each carol. The combination of memories, connections, references, and experiences that wove together in my heart and mind as we walked the… Continue reading

When Words Fail Us

One of the most meaningful things about my dad has always been his deep heart for others and his passion for his faith.  He shared both his heart and his faith through writing letters, teaching, answering phone calls, chatting over countless cups of chai, and selflessly showing up for people… Continue reading

What is Hope?

a reflection prepared for a service of remembrance marking 2 years of pandemic. Organized by the spiritual care department at the University of Manitoba. March 2022. What is hope? Hope is stepping into a new job and a new community—even during a pandemic.  It’s forming relationships and making connections through Zoom,… Continue reading

There’s Always Room for One More

This devotion was initially created for publication in Eternity for Today, a devotional resource from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, for the week of March 12, 2022 Luke 13:22-31 Then people will come from east and west, from north and south, and will eat in the kingdom of God…. Continue reading

Together in Line

The devotions over the next week were initially created for publication in Eternity for Today, a devotional resource from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, for the week of March 12, 2022 Read: Philippians 3:17-4:1 But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting… Continue reading

Reflecting on 4 Decades

I wrote this blog in April but didn’t post it until September…#covid. I had the rare opportunity to be with my parents on my birthday this year. That hasn’t happened for several years. As is their custom, dinner included some reflection questions. Because the chances for these kinds of conversations… Continue reading